can connect to the Wireless Network
If you are able to connect to the network but are
unable to view web pages, please check the following:
Is your device gaining an IP address?
Checking your IP address is relatively easy on the
majority of devices and operating systems.
If you have an:
Apple Mac, click the WiFi symbol at the top of the
screen, Open Network Preferences.
If your device has connected to our equipment and
is receiving an IP address you will see a message stating “WiFi is connected to
"FLAT X" and has the IP address "10.254.X.X”
Microsoft Windows, open command prompt by opening
your start menu and searching for 'CMD'. Once open, type in 'ipconfig' and
press enter. Your device’s current IP address should be shown in the following
format “10.254.X.X”
Apple iPhone, please go to Settings, WiFi, tap on
the blue I symbol and the details will be presented. Your device’s current IP
address should be shown in the following format “"10.254.X.X”
Android phone/tablet, please go to Settings, About
Phone and then Status. Your IP address will be listed under its own heading.
Your device’s current IP address should be shown in the following format
These steps may differ depending on manufacturer,
so please contact the Support Team if you see a different message or IP
Has your antivirus/firewall expired or need
If you are using an antivirus or firewall product
on your Windows device, it may be refusing new connections as a precaution.
Please disable or update the antivirus and then try to access a web page.
Usually, software of this nature is located in the system tray, next to the
time in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. The icon for the system
tray is a small upwards-facing arrow.
These products are not as popular on Mac Devices
however, if one of these products is installed and currently running, an icon
should be present in the icon dock at the bottom or at the very top of the
screen. You can also search for one of these products by using the Finder
Is your web browser loading okay?
Try another web browser, such as Google Chrome,
Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Internet Explorer. This is always worth trying as
some browsers may use settings preventing you from seeing web pages.
Is your DNS functioning?
Are you receiving an error stating “Unable to
resolve host?” This may mean that your DNS settings are not set to automatic.
If you are not sure how to find out, please contact the Support Team for
I can’t connect to the Wireless Network
If you have never been able to connect to the
Wireless Network there are a number of checks that you need to do:
I have previously been able to connect to the
Wireless Network
If the above checks have been confirmed, your issue
could potentially be that the internet link to the accommodation may have been
Connection Drops / Speed Issues
If you have been experiencing connection drops over
the wireless connection, here are the very first things you will need to check:
Make sure the device you’re trying to connect the
internet on, has the latest software updates installed.
Check your signal strength, if it’s not a strong
signal, then try and move closer to the access point.
Turn off any programs that may be using the
Once you’ve tried these steps, we will then need a
clear description of the problem you are experiencing:
Be as descriptive as possible with your answers, is “FLAT X 2G” constantly disappearing from the list of networks? Are you never able to stay connected for longer than a few minutes? Let us know!